Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find answers to the most common questions we receive.

If you don't find the answer to your question or need assistance with something else, please feel free to contact us. You can send a message via My Pages, accessible 24/7, or call us at 010-550 78 00.

Sileo Kapital and Legalis Inkasso are together changing their name to B2 Impact, and in connection to this, we are also updating our logos. We are part of an international group that previously had different names in different countries. Now, we want to more clearly show that we are connected, and therefore we have adopted a mutual name – B2 Impact.

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Since 2012, we have been part of the international publicly traded group B2 Impact, with operations in 19 countries. Previously, all companies in the group included "part of B2 Impact" in our logos. Now, we are highlighting and reshaping it into a new mutual company name that better reflects the impact we have in the economic cycle.

Together, we help people become debt-free through care and personalized solutions. We have great respect for the impact we have and work together with our customers to find sustainable solutions.

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Our new company name is B2 Impact. Previously, we operated under the names Legalis Inkasso and Sileo Kapital. For you as a customer, this means no significant changes; we will continue to handle cases in the same way as before, but now under a common name - B2 Impact.

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The name change means no changes for you as a customer; we are the same company with a new name. Regardless of your relationship to us, it remains unchanged.

If you have had a case handled by Legalis Inkasso, with the name change, we will now have a new phone number for contacting our customer service. Our new number is 010-550 78 00.

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Nothing will change regarding your payment plan; you will keep it and use the same payment details as before.

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Yes, your payment details will remain the same. We have the same account number as before, and you will keep your OCR number. You can continue to make payments via Swish, e-invoice, or direct debit just as you did before.

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No, you will not need to register for direct debit again as we are not changing our organizational number. Your direct debit will not be affected by the name change and will be deducted as usual every month.

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You can contact us in the same way as before. We have a shared phone number (010-550 78 00) where you are welcome to reach out. You can sign in to My Pages as usual and send us a message, or you can email us at info@b2-impact.se. You can also send mail to the same address as before, but now with our new name.

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If you have received a letter from us, it is because we have taken over a debt you had to another company. This could be for a purchase you made online or a loan you took out but missed paying.

The details of your claim are stated in the letter you received from us. You can also sign in to My Pages to see what your debt pertains to.


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If you have not paid your purchase, loan or the required amount after a reminder on time, your case may be subject to debt collection actions. This means that you should make payments to us from now on and not to the original creditor. If you cannot pay the full amount at once or have other questions, we ask you to contact us to find a solution together. Sign in to My Pages or call us at 010-550 78 00.

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Having a debt collection claim is not visible anywhere else except with us. If you do not settle your debt and it reaches the point where you receive a record of non-payment, it will become public and will be visible, for example, in a credit report.

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To get information about your current debt, the easiest way is to sign in to My Pages, which you can access 24/7. Here you can see your current balance and any previous payments. In most cases, you can also set up a payment plan or make one-time payments.

If you want personal assistance, you can contact our customer service at 010-550 78 00.

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Having your case with the Swedish Enforcement Authority (Kronofogden) can mean different things depending on the stage of the process. If a debt remains unpaid after being sent to a debt collection agency, it may be forwarded to the Swedish Enforcement Authority(Kronofogden)  for a payment order. This could result in a record of non-payment. If you have a record of non-payment, also known as a judgment(utslag), your case may be sent for enforcement. This means that the Swedish Enforcement Authority(Kronofogden)can seize assets to pay off your debt.

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If you have been in long-term debt and your debts have become more than you can manage, debt restructuring might be a possible solution. You can test your eligibility for debt restructuring with the Enforcement Authority's debt restructuring test, which you can find here.

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If you want to give someone else the opportunity to access information about your debt and assist you in managing your case, you need to fill out a power of attorney form. Click here and follow the instructions.

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You should pay us, B2 Impact. To view your current debt and payment details – Log in to My Pages.

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You can find payment details and methods to pay your debt here.

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If you are having difficulty paying the full amount at once, we can assist with a repayment plan. Sign in to My Pages if you wish to propose a repayment plan yourself or contact us at 010-550 78 00 for personal service.

If you do not follow your repayment plan, legal actions may be taken, which could involve seniding the case to the Swedish Enforcement Authority (Kronofogden). If you are unable to pay at all right now, it's important to contact us. Together, we can find a solution that suits you and your situation.

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Vid en eventuell överbetalning så tas en administrativ kostnad ut om 100 kr. Belopp som understiger 100 kr betalas inte ut. Belopp över 100 kr återbetalas via utbetalningsavi.

In the event of an overpayment, an administrative fee of 100 SEK will be deducted. Amounts less than 100 SEK will not be refunded. Amounts over 100 SEK will be refunded via payment notice.

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Interest is a cost for borrowing money and is usually stated as a percentage. Different situations determine the type of interest to be paid. The interest rate applicable to a specific credit is outlined in the agreement signed with the original creditor.

  • Fixed interest means the interest rate remains constant. If the contract specifies a 10% interest rate, it will apply until the debt is fully repaid.
  • Variable interest means the interest rate fluctuates with market rates. If market rates rise, so does the variable interest rate, and vice versa. With variable interest, it's impossible to predict the total interest cost over the repayment period.
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If a person misses paying an invoice before the due date, the creditor has the right to add interest to the debt. Such interest calculated on overdue debt is called late payment interest, due to the invoice not being paid on time.

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En person som beviljas ett lån eller en kredit betalar vanligtvis ränta till kreditgivaren, så kallad kreditränta. Normalt får personen en avi varje månad där en del av beloppet som ska betalas avser återbetalning på lånet/krediten och en del avser en räntekostnad. Hur stor del som är ränta framgår av avin. Hur stor dröjsmålsräntan och räntesatsen är i procent avtalas i samband med tecknandet av lånet/krediten vilket oftast framgår i avtalsvillkoren. Dröjsmålsränta beräknas från förfallodagen och läggs till skulden fram tills den dag kapitalet är fullbetalt.

A person approved for a loan or credit typically pays interest to the lender, known as credit interest. Normally, the person receives a statement each month indicating a portion of the amount to be paid is for loan/credit repayment, and another part is for interest costs. The portion that represents interest is shown on the statement. The late payment interest and interest rate percentage are agreed upon when the loan/credit is signed, usually specified in the contract terms. Late payment interest is calculated from the due date and added to the debt until the principal is fully paid off.

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